Salesforce Connector Guide > Salesforce Connections > Salesforce connection metadata

Salesforce connection metadata

After you create a Salesforce connection, save the connection. You can then publish the Salesforce connection and click the Metadata tab to view the generated process objects for the connection.
When publish a Salesforce connection in Application Integration, a list of Actions and Objects appear in the Metadata tab.
Salesforce actions are services that Salesforce exposes. For example, use the Convert Lead action to convert a current Lead object into an Account, Contact, or Opportunity object.
The following image shows the Salesforce actions within the Metadata tab of a Salesforce connection:
The image shows the Salesforce actions within the Metadata tab of a Salesforce connection.
Salesforce objects are tables that correspond to tabs and other user interface elements in the Salesforce website. For example, the Account object contains the information that appears in fields on the Salesforce Account tab.
The following image shows the Salesforce objects within the Metadata tab of a Salesforce connection:
The image shows the Salesforce objects within the Metadata tab of a Salesforce connection.
When you publish a Salesforce connection, the Metadata tab is refreshed by default. You can click Publish - Skip Metadata Refresh to skip the metadata refresh and reduce publishing time.

Best practices for metadata refresh