Before you can use an SAP BAPI connection to process data through BAPIs, an administrator must perform the following tasks:
•Verify that the BAPI package is registered.
•Download and configure the SAP libraries.
•Configure SAP user authorizations.
Downloading and Configuring SAP Libraries for BAPI
Download the SAP JCo libraries and configure them on the machine where the Secure Agent runs. Contact SAP Customer Support if you encounter any issues with downloading the libraries.
An SAP administrator needs to create a profile in the development, test, and production SAP system so that you can use the integration features. This profile name must include authorization for the objects and related activities. The profile on the test system should be the same as the profile on the production system.
The setup of the user and profiles is done within SAP using the SAP GUI. This activity is external to Informatica Cloud®.
The following table describes the authorization an SAP user requires to execute tasks using the BAPI/RFC functions:
Authorization Object
Authorization Value
Note: In addition to the above authorization, the user needs access to any BAPI/RFC function that needs to be executed.