Use a ServiceNow connection to securely read data from or write data to ServiceNow using the Table API.
After you create a ServiceNow connection, you can validate, test, and save the connection.
You can then publish the ServiceNow connection and click the Metadata tab to view the generated process objects for the connection.
The Table API provides endpoints that allow you to perform CRUD operations such as create, read, update, and delete on existing tables in ServiceNow. However, you cannot perform CRUD operations on the child records of existing child tables. To publish a ServiceNow connection successfully, you must have sufficient roles to access the data in the table specified in the request.
You get an access token to authorize all the connection requests. After you generate the access token once, you can use it for multiple requests such as create, read, update, and delete records from ServiceNow for the duration specified in the client credentials.
For more information about the various actions that you can perform using ServiceNow Connector, see TableAPI in the ServiceNow documentation.