Order Management > Enable Fault Handling > Step 3: Configure the "Fault" Branch and Invoke the Process.

Step 3: Configure the "Fault" Branch and Invoke the Process.

Configure the process to show an "Item not in stock. Apologies for the inconvenience" message instead of an HTTPS error code in the event of an error.
    1Click and drag an Assignment step on to the "fault" branch of the Get Inventory Detail step.
    The step properties section appears.
    2Select the Assignments tab and add the Status field with the Value as Content >Item not in stock. Apologies for the inconvenience.
    If an error occurs, you will see the message "Item not in stock. Apologies for the inconvenience" instead of an HTTPS 400 error.
    3Click Save > Publish.
    This image shows the complete process with fault handling enabled.
    4Paste the following parameterized URL in a browser:
    <Service URL>?CustomerName=TestConsumer&CustomerEmail=testconsumer@mailinator.com&ItemName=newitem1&ItemCount=2
    You see the following message in the browser:
    This image shows the message that appears on the browser when there is a fault in the Get Inventory Detail step.
    5Click My Processes. You see that the process is Completed, and not Faulted.
    This image shows the My Processes page. You see that the process instance is Completed.