Use Monitor to monitor jobs, imports, and exports in your organization. A job is an instance of a mapping, task, or taskflow.
When you select Monitor from the My Services page, the navigation bar provides options for monitoring activity, as shown in the following image:
The navigation bar provides the following options:
- •Running Jobs. Provides run-time details about the Data Integration jobs that are running or have completed within the last five minutes.
- •All Jobs. Provides details about all Data Integration jobs in the organization.
- •Data Ingestion. Provides details about the Data Ingestion and Replication jobs in the organization.
- •Import/Export Logs. Provides details about imports and exports that are running and that have completed.
- •File Transfer Logs. Provides details about the file transfers in the organization.
- •Source Control Logs. Provides a log of actions on source-controlled objects in the organization.
To view details about a specific job, import instance, or export instance, click the instance name.