Create integration assets and assign them to projects.
You can create custom assets or create assets from a template.
To create a custom asset, click New and then select the asset type. For specific information on creating a particular type of asset, see the appropriate asset type in Mappings or Tasks.
To create an asset from a template, click New, select the asset type, and then select the appropriate template. Mapping task templates and mapping templates are listed below the heading that corresponds to the mapping type.
The following image shows the dialog box that appears when you create an asset:
1Select the type of asset that you want to create. In this image, Tasks is selected.
2Select one of these options to create a custom asset. Since Tasks is selected on the left, this area lists the tasks that you can create.
3Select one of the options below a heading to create a task from a template. In this image, the Integration heading is expanded, so the templates listed are based on data integration mappings.
Tip: Informatica recommends that you use a standard naming convention that makes sense for your organization. Here are a few examples:
•You can begin all asset names with an abbreviation of the asset type. For example, mapping names begin with m_ and mapping tasks begin with mt_.
•Within mappings, you can begin all Source transformation names with src_, all parameter names with p_, and so on.
•You can use names that explain the purpose of the object, For example, filter names begin with flt_.
A standard naming convention is particularly helpful when you are working with large, complex mappings so that you can easily identify the type and purpose of each object.
For more information on working with assets, see Asset Management.