"[FATAL] *MongoException while trying to establish connection" when you create a mapping with a Business 360 connection.
To resolve this issue perform the following tasks to verify the network connection and DNS resolution:
1From the session log file, note the database host name and shard value. You can see the database host name and the shard value in the following section:
"mdmnext-example-dummy-host.013abc.mongodb.net":"MDM_10000 [2020-12-01 22:13:14.166] [FATAL] *MongoException while trying to establish connection Unable to look up TXT record for host mdmnext-example-dummy-host.013abc.mongodb.net"
If you still face issues, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
"ERROR java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded." occurs when you read large number of records and the mapping runs for a long period.
To resolve this issue, perform the following tasks to configure the JVM options in the Secure Agent and increase the Java heap size:
1In Administrator, click Runtime Environments.
2Select the Secure Agent for which you want to increase memory from the list of available Secure Agents.
3Click Edit.
4In the System Configuration Details section, select the type as DTM for the Cloud Data Integration service.
5Set the JVMOption3 to -Xms1024m and JVMOption4 to -Xmx4096m.
6Restart the Secure Agent.
If you run the mapping and the same issue occurs, you must specify a lower batch count and increase the Java heap size.
[FATAL] Since hierarchy instance is rejected, and rootSourcePKey or rootSourceSystem was mapped, increasing error count.
To resolve this issue, map the relevant input field to the sourcePKey field of the hierarchy field group in the target fields section of the Field Mapping tab. In a target transformation, if you specify a hierarchy as the target asset and if you don't map the sourcePKey field, the mapping fails and you get this error. The error log incorrectly shows two records as rejected even though only one hierarchy instance is mapped.
SDKC_37015 Plug-In Error: Invalid index for transformation type [0]: Should range from [0] to [1].
After Informatica® Cloud Business 360 Console successfully runs an ingress job, the error message appears on the job details page.