Ariba V2 Connector > Introduction to Ariba V2 Connector > Administration of Ariba V2 Connector

Administration of Ariba V2 Connector

As a user, you can use Ariba V2 Connector after the organization administrator performs the following tasks:

View supported formats for the tasks

Before you enable an operation, you can check the supported format for the tasks. A file based format indicates that the task is an ITK task and a web service format indicates that the task is a SOAP or web service task.
Perform the following steps to view the supported formats for the tasks:
  1. 1Log in to your Ariba account.
  2. 2Go to Manage > Core Administration.
  3. 3Under Integration Manager, click Integration Configuration.
  4. 4In Search Filters, search the task by Task Name or click List All to view all tasks.
  5. The list of tasks and supported formats is displayed under Configuration.
The enabled or disabled tasks might vary based on the Ariba instance. For more details about enabled or disabled tasks, contact the Ariba administrator.

Enable ITK operations

Ariba V2 Connector supports all ITK based operations. To use ITK operations as Ariba V2 objects you need to create an ITK connection.
An ITK connection requires you to specify the location of the data dictionary file which is an Excel file. The operations listed in the Excel sheet are enabled in Ariba V2 Connector. The name of the operations in Ariba matches with the Task Name in the Excel sheet.
As task names and ITK names can vary based on the type of Ariba realm and integration configuration in Ariba respectively, you must use the Excel sheet to configure Ariba V2 Connector.
The organization administrator must perform the following tasks to enable ITK operations:
  1. 1Get the user name and password for the Ariba account.
  2. 2Get the Service URL and Realm name of the Ariba instance.
  3. 3Get the certificate for SSL authentication.
  4. 4Get the Shared Secret from the Integration Manager in Ariba for non-SSL authentication.
  5. 5Enable the ITK operations as file-based in Ariba.
  6. 6Download the data dictionary file from the Integration Manager in Ariba and perform the following steps:
    1. aOpen the data dictionary file and add a sheet with the name AribaConnector_ITK_Names.
    2. bIn the sheet, add the following column headers:
    3. cEnter the Task Name and ITK Name for the operations that you want to use and save the data dictionary file on your local machine.
    4. Task Name
      ITK Name
      Export Purchase Orders
      Export Purchase Orders
      Export Purchase Order to ERP
      Export Purchase Order
      Export Receipts
      Export Receipts
      Export Receipt Status
      Export Receipt Status
      Export Supplier Organizations
      Export Supplier Organizations
      Export Payment Requests
      Export Payment Requests
      Export Financial Extract
      Export Financial Extract
      Import Purchase Order ID
      Import Purchase Order Status
      Import Receipt ID
      Import Receipt Status
After the administrator enables the ITK operations, you can create an ITK connection to use ITK operations as Ariba V2 objects.
Note: You can use only ITK operations (downstream) available in the data dictionary, under Core Administration. You cannot use the ITK operations (upstream) available in the Administration data dictionary.

View task names and ITK names

Perform the following steps to view the task names and ITK names:
  1. 1Log in to your Ariba account.
  2. 2Go to Manage > Core Administration.
  3. 3Under Site Manager, click Data Import/Export.
  4. 4In Search Filters, search the task by Task Name or click List All to view all tasks.
  5. The Import tab and Export tab displays the list of task names and ITK names.
The enabled or disabled tasks might vary based on the Ariba instance. For more details about enabled or disabled tasks, contact the Ariba administrator.
If there is no ITK name for the task, the task might be a batch data import task. However, every task that does not have an ITK name might not be a batch data import task. You must check the task and the supported files. For a batch data import task, the file name is Import Batch Data.
Perform the following steps to view the file name:
  1. 1In Search Filters, search Import Batch Data.
  2. 2Click Import.
  3. 3Select Incremental Load and then click View Supported Files to view the file names.
Note: Ariba V2 Connector supports only incremental load. Ariba V2 Connector uses the values in the source file to create and modify objects. If an object in the source file does not exist in the database, the object is created. If an object in the source file already exists in the database, it is updated with the values in the source file. For more details about incremental load, contact the Ariba administrator.

Enable SOAP operations

Ariba V2 Connector supports SOAP web services. To use SOAP operations as Ariba V2 objects, you need to create a SOAP connection.
The organization administrator must perform the following tasks to enable the SOAP operations other than the default SOAP operations in Ariba:
  1. 1Configure the Ariba Endpoint URL.
  2. 2Get the user name and password for the Ariba account.
  3. 3Get the Service URL and Realm name of the Ariba instance
  4. 4Enable the required operations as web service based in Ariba.
  5. 5Create a properties file with the name ARIBAV2_SOAP_OPERATIONS.txt in the following location:
  6. <Informatica Cloud Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\agentcore\conf\
    In the properties file, add the list of SOAP operations that you want to use. To add the SOAP operation, enter the Task Name and Operation Name using a comma delimiter.


Let us assume that following is the service URL for Import Requisition in Ariba:
To enable the Import Requisition operation in Ariba V2 Connector, you must enter Import Requisition, RequisitionImportPull in the properties file, where Import Requisition is the name of the SOAP operation in Ariba V2 Connector and RequisitionImportPull is the name of the web service in Ariba.
The following list displays the task names and corresponding operation names:

View task names and SOAP operation names

Perform the following steps to view the task names and ITK names:
  1. 1Log in to your Ariba account.
  2. 2Go to Manage > Core Administration.
  3. 3Under Integration Manager, click Integration Configuration.
  4. 4In Search Filters, select the Format as Web Service, and then click Search.
  5. The list of web service tasks is displayed under Configuration.
  6. 5Click the web service task name.
  7. 6Click View WSDL.
  8. The SOAP operation name is displayed as the service name in the WSDL.
    For example, <wsdl:service name="RequisitionImportPull">
The enabled or disabled tasks might vary based on the Ariba instance. For more details about enabled or disabled tasks, contact the Ariba administrator.

Get the SSL certificate

You can create an ITK connection using an SSL certificate. When you use an SSL certificate, the Secure Agent establishes an encrypted connection to Ariba.
You can get an SSL certificate signed by a Certificate Authority using an SSL certificate tool of your choice.
Perform the following steps to generate an SSL certificate using the KeyStore Explorer:

Step 1: Create a new keystore

  1. 1Download and install the KeyStore Explorer from the following link:
  2. 2Open the KeyStore Explorer.
  3. 3Click Create a new KeyStore.
  4. 4In the New KeyStore Type window, select JKS.
  5. Note: You need to provide the path to this KeyStore in the Client Keystore field in the connection properties while creating an SSL-based ITK connection.
  6. 5Click OK

Step 2: Generate a key pair

  1. 1Click Tools > Generate Key Pair.
  2. 2In the Generate Key Pair window, select RSA as the algorithm and set the Key Size to 4096.
  3. 3Click OK.
  4. 4In the Generate Key Pair Certificate window, click Edit name and configure the following fields:
  5. Field name
    Common Name (CN)
    The Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the server.
    Organization Unit (OU)
    Name of the organization unit.
    Organization Name (O)
    Name of the organization.
    Locality Name (L)
    Name of the locality.
    State Name (ST)
    Name of the state.
    Country (C)
    Name of the Country.
    Email (E)
    Email address.
  6. 5Click OK.
  7. 6Enter the domain name of your server.
  8. 7Click Add Extensions, click the + icon, and select Subject Alternative Name.
  9. 8In the Subject Alternative Name Extension window, click the + icon.
  10. 9Select DNS Name and in General Name Value field specify the domain name of your server.
  11. 10Click OK until you return to the Generate Key Pair Certificate window.
  12. 11In the Generate Key Pair Certificate window, click OK.
  13. 12In the New Key Pair Entry Alias field, enter an alias for the key pair.
  14. 13Click OK.
  15. 14In the New Key Pair Entry Password field, enter a password, and click OK.
  16. Note: You need to provide this password in the Client Key Password field in the connection properties while creating an SSL-based ITK connection.
    The Generate Key Pair window displays a success message.
  17. 15Click OK to save the KeyStore.
  18. The key pair is displayed in the KeyStore Explorer window.
  19. 16In the KeyStore Explorer menu bar, click File > Save.
  20. The Set KeyStore Password window appears.
  21. 17Enter a password for the KeyStore.
  22. Note: You need to provide this password in the Client Keystore Password field in the connection properties while creating an SSL-based ITK connection.
  23. 18Click OK.
  24. The Save KeyStore As window appears.
  25. 19Enter the name of the KeyStore.
  26. Consider the following format for your KeyStore for easy identification: fqdn_domain_com.jks
  27. 20Click Save.
  28. Your KeyStore file is saved to your computer.

Step 3: Generate and send certificate signature request

  1. 1In the KeyStore Explorer, right-click the key pair and select Generate CSR.
  2. 2In the Generate CSR window, configure the required fields.
  3. 3Click OK.
  4. The Generate CSR window appears with a success message.
  5. 4Click OK.
  6. 5Send the generated CSR file to the certificate authority.

Step 4: Import the signed certificate to the keystore

  1. 1When the certificate authority returns the signed certificate and key, place them in a directory accessible by KeyStore Explorer.
  2. 2In KeyStore Explorer, right-click the same key pair used to generate the CSR and select Import CA Reply > From File.
  3. 3Select the signed certificate from the certificate authority, and click Import.
  4. The signed certificate is added to the key pair as the server-level certificate.
  5. 4To verify the certificate chain, right-click the key pair entry, and select View Details > Certificate Chain Details.
  6. 5To import intermediate and root-level certificates, right-click the key pair entry and select Edit Certificate Chain > Append Certificate to append the intermediate and root-level certificates.
  7. 6In the menu bar, click File > Save to save the imported certificate to your keystore.

Configure the SSL certificate in Ariba

You need to configure the SSL certificate in Ariba to use the certificate in an ITK connection.
Perform the following steps to configure the SSL certificate in Ariba:
  1. 1Log in to the Ariba account.
  2. 2Go to Manage > Core Administration > Integration Manager > Integration Toolkit Security.
  3. 3Select Certificate as the Authentication Type and paste the content of the certificate in the certificate content field.