Birst Cloud Connect Connector > Troubleshooting > Increasing Secure Agent Memory

Increasing Secure Agent Memory

To overcome memory issues faced by the Secure Agent perform the following steps:
    1In the Data Integration home page, select the Secure Agent under Runtime Environments.
    The Runtime Environments page appears.
    2From the list of available Secure Agents, select the Secure Agent for which you want to increase memory.
    The details of the Secure Agent appear.
    3Click Edit.
    The Edit Agent page appears.
    4In System Configuration section, select the Type as DTM.
    5Edit JVMOption1 as -Xmx512m.
    6Again in System Configuration section, select the Type as TomCatJRE.
    7Edit INFA_memory to -Xms256m -Xmx512m.
    8Restart the Secure Agent.