Property | Description |
Connection | Name of the Cvent source connection. |
Source Type | Type of the source object. You can read data from a single Cvent source object. You can read data from multiple Cvent source objects. |
Source Object | Name of the source object. |
Display technical names instead of labels | Displays technical names instead of business names. |
Display source fields in alphabetical order | Displays source fields in alphabetic order. By default, fields appear in the order returned by the source system. |
Advanced Property | Description |
Preprocessing Commands | Enter pre-processing script that should be executed before running the synchronization task. |
Post-processing Commands | Enter post-processing script that should be executed after running the synchronization task. |
Parameter File Name | File that contains the parameters to be used in filters or expressions. Ensure that you have saved the parameter file in the <Secure Agent installation directory>/apps/Data_Integration_Server/data/userparameters directory. |
Maximum Number of Log Files | Enter the maximum number of log files that the Secure Agent generates until the number reaches the limit that you set. Default is 10. |
Execution Mode | Sets the amount of detail that appears in the log file. Select Standard or Verbose. Default is Standard. Select Verbose for troubleshooting. |