Data Integration Connector Release Notes > Connector and connectivity issues > Snowflake Data Cloud Connector

Snowflake Data Cloud Connector

Fixed issues

The following table describes fixed issues:
When you select Enable window properties in the Expression transformation and pass arguments for non-window functions in SQL ELT mode, the expression fails to validate the arguments of non-window functions. (Aug 2024)
When you pass NULL values in functions in mappings in SQL ELT mode, the mapping fails with the following error:
Invalid Data Type: The argument provided for function is of an unsupported data type.
(April 2024)
When you pass an argument with the Number data type or configure an output field with the Number data type in an SQL transformation to call overloaded stored procedures in Snowflake, the mapping fails with the following warning:
The Snowflake Connector failed to execute SQL Transformation because of the following error: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.math.BigDecimal
(October 2024)
When you test a Snowflake Data Cloud connection, the connection might fail intermittently with the following error: The test connection for <Connection name> failed. Internal Error Occurred. Contact Support : [java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException]
(May 2024)
When you run a mapping task that reads from Snowflake, the Secure Agent does not delete the temporary files and folders even after you terminate the execution process for the task. (May 2024)
A mapping in advanced mode enabled for SQL ELT optimization that updates or upserts data to the target writes NULL values for the fields that are not mapped in the field mapping. (April 2024)
When you configure an Expression transformation in a mapping in SQL ELT mode and the precision of incoming fields exceeds the precision of target fields, the data preview fails with the following incorrect error:
Could not generate the preview results due to an internal error. If the problem persists, contact Informatica Global Customer Support.
(October 2024)

Known issues

The following table describes known issues:
When you configure a transformation to process binary data type in a mapping in SQL ELT mode, the data preview fails. (April 2024)
When you run a mapping configured with the Lookup transformation where you set the default column value as 0 or 1 for a Boolean lookup field, the mapping generates the value 0 or 1 for the lookup field instead of false or true. (April 2024)
When you run a mapping task that is based on a mapping in SQL ELT mode with multiple target objects, the job details page displays target names as Target1, Target2..., Target(n) instead of the actual target object names in the Individual Source/Target Results section. (April 2024)