When you run the migrated mapping in the new environment, you might want to use the same or a different connection endpoint or object path. Based on your requirement, follow the guidelines in this section before you migrate a mapping.
The following table lists the configured advanced properties for an object type that you can retain when you migrate a mapping:
Object Type
Advanced properties
Single object
Database, table
SQL override
Migrate a mapping within the same path
If you want the migrated mapping to use the same object path as in the earlier environment, you must maintain the same database and table in the Databricks account for both the earlier and the new environment.
For example, if you have two different accounts, Account1 used for Organization 1 and Account2 used for Organization 2, the object path for the database and table must be the same in both the accounts:
Account1: DB1/TABLE1
Account2: DB1/TABLE1
You do not need to override the database and table in the advanced properties.
Migrate a mapping to a different path
You can use a different object path to run the mapping from the new environment.
Before you migrate the mapping, you can change the object metadata, runtime attributes, or the connection attributes to reflect the object path in the migrated environment. You do not have to edit or update the mapping in the new environment.
As a rule, when you specify the database or table in the advanced properties, connection, or object properties, Data Integration honors the attributes in the following order of precedence:
1Runtime advanced attributes. The advanced properties such as database and table in the Source, Target, or Lookup transformation in a mapping.
2Connection attributes. Attributes such as catalog and database set in the connection properties.
3Object metadata. The object selected in the Source, Target, or Lookup transformation in a mapping.
Migration options
When you migrate to a different path, you can choose from one of the following options to update the object path:
Option 1. Update the connection properties to reference the new object
When you import the mapping from, for example, Org 1 into a new organization, for example, Org 2, you can change the existing connection in the Review Connections section to map to the connection that has access to the specified database and table in Org 2.
Option 2. Override the properties from the advanced properties
Before the migration, specify the required database and table for the object in the new organization in the advanced properties of the Org 1 mapping.
After the migration, when you run the mapping, the Secure Agent uses the configured advanced parameters to override the object specified in the mapping imported from Org 1.
Option 3. Parameterize the properties in the mapping
You can choose to parameterize the advanced attributes, such as the database and table before the migration. You can configure input parameters, in-out parameters, and parameter files in the mapping. When you use a parameter file, you can save the parameter file on a local machine or in a cloud-hosted directory. After you migrate the mapping, do not edit or update the mapping. If you have used in-out parameters for the advanced attributes such as for the database and table, you can update these from the parameter file.
Parameterizing only the advanced properties, but not the object
If you want to parameterize only the advanced properties and use them at runtime, select a placeholder object in the object properties in the mapping and then specify an override to this placeholder object from the advanced properties. Ensure that the placeholder object contains the same metadata as the corresponding table that you specify as an override. When you run the mapping, the value specified in the advanced property overrides the placeholder object.
Parameterizing both the object and the advanced properties
If you want to keep both the Databricks object type and the advanced fields parameterized, you must leave the Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime option unselected in the input parameter window while adding the parameters, and then select the required object at the task level. When you run the task, the values specified in the advanced properties take precedence.
Parameterization is not applicable for mappings that use the Create Target option. In advanced mode, only input parameters are applicable for migration.