File List Connector > File List Connections > File List connection properties

File List connection properties

When you set up a File List connection, you must configure the connection properties.
Important: File List Connector is deprecated and has been moved to maintenance mode. Informatica intends to drop support in a future release. Informatica recommends that you use Flat File Connector to access flat files.
The following table describes the File List connection properties:
Connection property
Connection Name
Enter a unique name for the connection.
Provide a description for the connection.
Select File List from the list.
Secure Agent
Select the Secure Agent from the list.
File Type
Select the file format from the list. The connection supports fixed-width and delimiter file types.
Select the delimiter. The default delimiter is Comma.
Schema File Path
Specify the schema file path. A sample schema file is present in Informatica Secure Agent folder. The path is <Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\ext\deploy_to_main\tomcat\plugins\<plugin ID>
Custom Header File Path
Specify the header file path. You can find header.hdr file in Informatica Secure Agent folder. The path is <Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\ext\deploy_to_main\tomcat\plugins\<plugin ID>
Skip First N lines
Specify the number of rows you want to skip while merging the files. This helps you to skip the rows from the beginning of the file.
Skip Last N lines
Specify the number of rows you want to skip while merging the files. This helps you to skip the rows from the end of the file.
Merge File Path
It is the file which contains details of all the multiple files you need to merge using the File List Connector.
Provide the path where this file resides. The following image shows a sample of merge file path where file1 and file 2 are the two files to be merged:
Rows Per Batch
Mention the required batch size to optimize the performance. The default value is 100.
Date Format
Mention the Date format. The default date format is dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.