FileIo Connector > FileIo Connections > FileIO connection properties

FileIO connection properties

When you set up a FileIO connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the FileIO connection properties:
Connection property
Connection Name
Enter a unique name for the connection.
Provide a relevant description for the connection.
Select FileIo from the list.
Secure Agent
Select the appropriate secure agent from the list.
Parent Directory
Enter the parent directory path. The parent directory is the folder that contains the files to perform read and write operations. The parent directory must contain an .infaccess empty file.
Create a folder within the parent directory with any name other than inprocess, success, and error. For example, you can create a read, write, or test folder. The empty file will be listed as objects when you select this connection as source or target in the task.
Process File Content As
Select the required option from the list of available options to process the file content. The following file processing options are available:
  • - Binary: When you select Binary, you must map FileContentAsBinary in the Field Mapping tab of the synchronization task.
  • - base64 encoded string: By default this option is selected. When you select this option, you must map FileContentAsBase64String in the Field Mapping tab of the synchronization task.
Overwrite Target Files
Check the box to enable overwrite target files. Otherwise the file containing same names will be created in the incrementing naming order using a counter. For example, when you do not enable overwrite target file option, the existing file ABCD will not be overwritten. Instead a new file ABCD(1) will be created.
Auto Archive Source Files
Check the box to enable automatic archiving of source files. This option allows you to move the files from source directory after the file is processed.
In Process Directory
Mention the directory path to be used for file processing. By default, parent directory is considered.
Success Directory
Mention the directory path where the files will be moved after processing. By default, parent directory is considered. Mention the success directory path only when Auto Archive Source Files option is enabled.
Error Directory
Mention the error directory path. When they are issues/errors in file processing. Such files are moved to error directory.