Google Analytics Connector > Google Analytics connections > Prerequisites


Before you configure Google Analytics Connector, complete the following prerequisite tasks:
  1. 1Create a Google account to access Google Analytics.
  2. 2On the Credentials page, navigate to the APIs and auth section, and Click Create service account.
  3. 3In the Create service account dialog box, select Furnish a new private key and Enable G Suite Domain-wide Delegation.
  4. Note: You must select JSON as the Key type and save the generated key as client_secrets.json.
  5. 4Click Create.
  6. 5After you create the service account, you can download a JSON file that contains the client_email and private_key values. You will need to enter these details when you add a user in the Google Analytics account and also when you create a Google Analytics connection in Data Integration.
  7. The following image shows the Credentials page where you can create the service account and key:
    The image shows the Credentials page where you can create a service account and obtain a service account key.
  8. 6Do the following steps to enable the Analytics API:
  9. Note: The Google Analytics Connector uses Google Analytics 4 API to integrate with Google Analytics.
    1. aGo to the following website:
    2. bOn the Dashboards page, enable the Analytics API.
  10. 7Create an account and property in Google Analytics.
  11. 8Verify that you have the following permissions for the Google Analytics account: