Greenplum Connector > Introduction to Greenplum Connector
Introduction to Greenplum Connector
Greenplum Connector provides connectivity between Cloud Data Integration and the Greenplum database.
You can configure mappings in Cloud Data Integration to read data from or write data to Greenplum.
When you run a Greenplum mapping to read data from Greenplum, the Secure Agent invokes the Greenplum database parallel file server, gpfdist, to read data. You can switch mappings to advanced mode to include transformations and functions that enable advanced functionality.
When you run a Greenplum mapping task to write data to Greenplum, the Secure Agent creates a control file to provide load specifications to the Greenplum gpload bulk loading utility, invokes the Greenplum gpload bulk loading utility, and writes data to the named pipe. The Greenplum gpload bulk loading utility launches gpfdist, which is Greenplum's file distribution program, that reads data from the named pipe and loads data into the Greenplum target.
You can use the Greenplum database to store and analyze terabyte to petabytes of data on large clusters of powerful and inexpensive servers, storage, and ethernet switches. You can also read data from any source system and use Greenplum Connector to load data into the Greenplum distributed storage system.