Property | Description |
Connection | Name of the connection. |
Source Type | Select Single. |
Source Object | Select the file from which you want to read data. Though selecting a source object is mandatory, the agent ignores this object. The agent processes the source object specified in File Path in advanced source properties. |
Advanced Property | Description |
File Path | Mandatory. Location of the file or directory from which you want to read data. Maximum length is 255 characters. If the path is a directory, all the files in the directory must have the same file format. If the file or directory is in HDFS, enter the path without the node URI. For example, /user/lib/testdir specifies the location of a directory in HDFS. The path must not contain more than 512 characters. If the file or directory is in the local system, enter the fully qualified path. For example, /user/testdir specifies the location of a directory in the local system. |
File Format | File format. Default is Binary. |
Compression Format | Optional. Compression format of the source files. Select one of the following options:
Select AUTO to detect the compression format based on the source file extension. |