Hive Connector > Migrating a mapping > Migration rules and guidelines

Migration rules and guidelines

Before you migrate, consider the following rules and guidelines:


In advanced mode, you cannot use the parameter file from the mapping task to override the runtime parameters.
In mappings, when you parameterize the source and target object and select the Hive object from the mapping task and also override the schema and table, the agent ignores the overridden values.

Using multiple source objects

All the source objects used in a mappingmust be from the same database. You can override only the schema name but not the table name.

Dynamically refresh the data object schema

You cannot dynamically refresh the data object schema at runtime. You must maintain the same metadata for the table selected in the source, target, or lookup transformations and the corresponding advanced field overrides, as schema change handling is not applicable.

Overriding properties at runtime

Consider the following restrictions when you plan to override a property at runtime: