Before you use IBM MQ Connector to read from or write to IBM MQ, the organization administrator needs to perform the prerequisite tasks.
•Copy the required JAR files for IBM MQ Connector.
•Verify that you have the following authorities on the message queue in Queue Manager to read from or write to IBM MQ:
- Browse authority to browse messages on a queue.
- Display and Inquire authorities to display the attributes or status of the object.
- Get authority to read data from IBM MQ.
- Put authority to write data to IBM MQ.
•Verify that you have the following authorities on the Queue Manager component in the IBM MQ server to read from or write to IBM MQ:
- Connect authority to connect to the Queue Manager component.
- Display and Inquire authorities to display the attributes or status of the object.
•If you create a source or target connection without enabling the Skip Metadata Fetch option, in addition to the authorities for the message queue and Queue Manager component, verify that you have the following authorities for the SYSTEM.ADMIN.COMMAND.QUEUE and SYSTEM.DEFAULT.MODEL.QUEUE system queues:
- Display and Inquire authorities to display the attributes or status of the object.