11On the Field Mapping tab, enter JIRA projectkey in the Project field, while performing insert, update and delete operations into JIRA application for any project object.
12Click Next.
The Schedule tab appears.
13In the advance Source properties, use the read time out attribute to specify the maximum number of milliseconds that the connector waits to connect to JIRA. You can use the Retry Count attribute to specify the number of times to reconnect to JIRA. If the response code is other than 200 or the read time out is achieved, the connector attempts to reconnect to JIRA.
14Schedule the task according to the requirement and save. If you do not want to schedule the task, click Save to save the task.
Rules and Guidelines for Synchronization Task
Consider the following guidelines to configure a synchronization task:
•The fields in the synchronization task must not contain duplicate names.
•The field names can have a maximum length of 65 characters.
•You need to create separate synchronization tasks for child objects, such as comments, attachments, and linked issues.
•You cannot use array data type fields.
•You cannot use custom data types for JIRA plugin custom fields. You can only use standard data types for JIRA plugin custom fields.