Kafka Connector > Kafka connections > Configuring basic authentication for Confluent schema registry in a mapping

Configuring basic authentication for Confluent schema registry in a mapping

You can configure basic authentication to establish a secure communication with Confluent schema registry using a valid user name and password.

Configure the Kafka connection

Perform the following tasks to configure the Kafka connection to enable basic authentication with the Confluent schema registry:
  1. 1In Administrator, select Connections.
  2. 2Select a Kafka connection for which you want to enable basic authentication with the Confluent schema registry.
  3. 3Click Edit.
  4. 4In the Schema Registry Security Configuration Properties section of the Kafka connection properties, specify the following value in the Additional Security Properties Schema Registry property:
  5. basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO,basic.auth.user.info=<username>:<password>
  6. 5Click Save to save the connection.

Configure the Secure Agent

Configure the JVM Options and INFA_DEBUG property for the Secure Agent to enable basic authentication with the Confluent schema registry and to successfully import the Avro metadata from the Confluent schema registry.
To configure the Secure Agent and successfully import the Avro metadata, perform the following steps:
  1. 1In Administrator, select Runtime Environments.
  2. 2Select the Secure Agent for which you want to configure from the list of available Secure Agents.
  3. 3In the upper-right corner, click Edit.
  4. 4In the System Configuration Details section, select the Type as DTM for the Data Integration Service.
  5. 5Edit the JVMOption2 and add the following value:
  6. -Dbasic.auth.user.info=<username>:<password>
  7. 6Select the Type as Platform for the Data Integration Service.
  8. 7Edit the INFA_DEBUG property and add the following value:
  9. -Dbasic.auth.user.info=<username>:<password>
  10. 8Click Save.
  11. 9Restart the Secure Agent.