When you configure a synchronization task to write to an LDAP target, you can configure the target properties.
The target properties appear on the Target page of the Synchronization Task wizard when you specify an LDAP connection. You can only insert, update, or delete data in an LDAP target.
The following table describes the LDAP target properties:
Target Property
Name of the target connection.
Target Object
The target object for the task. Select the target object.
LDAP target properties in synchronization tasks
Configure the advanced target properties on the Schedule page of the Synchronization Task wizard.
The following table describes the LDAP advanced target properties:
Advanced Target Property
Replaces the existing values in LDAP server when you use the update operation to write data.
To delete multivalued attributes, you must enable this option and pass a null value.
Update Strategy
Updates the rows in the LDAP server based on the following update strategy options you set:
- Update as Update. Updates all rows flagged for update.
- Update else Insert. Updates all rows flagged for update if they exist in the target and then inserts any remaining rows marked for insert.
Default is Update as Update.
Required with the parent DN to write data to LDAP server.
Select the key column for the entry you want to create. For example, the key column for a user is cn.
Note: You cannot update a key column because LDAP Connector does not allow updating the relative distinguished name (RDN) of the entry.
Success File Directory
Not applicable.
Error File Directory
Not applicable.
LDAP target synchronization task example
You work in the Human Resources department and you manage employee information. Your organization had a recent acquisition and you want to synchronize the employee information from the third-party LDAP directory service to the Microsoft Active Directory of your organization.
Configure a synchronization task to synchronize employee information to Active Directory.
You perform the following synchronization tasks:
Define the synchronization task.
Configure a synchronization task to use the insert operation.
Create an LDAP source object.
The source for the mapping is an LDAP user object that contains the user details. The user object is a single source in the synchronization task. You can include the ParentDN, cn, co, manager, postalAddress, and telephoneNumber source columns. Specify user as the resource for the source object. Specify the connection as LDAP.
Create an LDAP target object.
The target for the mapping is the Active Directory target. Include the ParentDN, cn, co, manager, postalAddress, and telephoneNumber in the LDAP target object. Specify user as the target object and specify the connection type as LDAP.
Configure a field mapping.
Map all the fields under the user source fields to the target user fields. When you run the task, the Secure Agent writes the mapped source data to the target LDAP server.
The following image shows the mapping of the source with the target that you specified in the connection properties:
Configure the advanced source and target properties.
In the advanced source properties, specify the parent DN as OU=Platform_QA_Adapters,OU=R&D,OU=INFA,DC=ADPQATEST,DC=COM where you want to read the user entries form the third-party LDAP application. In the advanced target properties, specify the key column as cn for the user entry you want to create in Active Directory. Save and run the task.
Open Active Directory server to visualize the exported data.
The following image shows the data in Active Directory: