Operation | Description | Prototype | Return Type |
Read | To read a single record based on the key field value as a parameter. For example, CustPage CustPage_Service.Read(string No) | PageType PageService.Read(string Value) | PageType |
Readmultiple | To read a set of records based on the specified record length in the parameter list | PageType[] PageService.ReadMultiple(PageType_Flter[] filter, string BookmarkKey, int setSize) | PageType[] |
Create | Create a new record into the published page (Actual insertion happening inside the SQL table) | Void PageServie.Create(ref PageTypeInstance PageType) | Void |
Createmultiple | To create multiple records | Void PageService.CreateMultiple(ref PageTypeInstance[] PageTypeList) | Void |
Update | To update a single record with new values (Similar to CREATE method) | Void PageService.Update(ref PageTypeInstance PageType) | Void |
Updatemultiple | To update multiple records in a single execution (Similar to CREATEMULTIPLE method) | Void PageService.UpdateMultiple(ref PageTypeInstance[] PageTypeList) | Void |
Delete | To delete a single record from the page (Actual deletion happening inside the SQL table) | Boolean PageService.Delete(string Key) (Key Value can be accessible from the KEY Field from the correspondence table) | Void |