Microsoft SQL Server Connector > Mappings and mapping tasks with Microsoft SQL Server Connector > Pass-through partitioning

Pass-through partitioning

You can configure pass-through partitioning to optimize the performance of mapping tasks when you read data from Microsoft SQL Server sources.
To configure pass-through partitioning, specify a query or filter value for each partition to read data in parallel.
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you run a mapping task enabled for pass-through partitioning to read from Microsoft SQL Server:

Processing Unicode characters

Before you enable pass-through partitioning in a mapping task when the SQL Query or Source Filter value of the configured partitions contain Unicode characters, you need to set certain system and custom properties for the Secure Agent in Administrator.
    1Select Administrator > Runtime Environments.
    2On the Runtime Environments page, select the Secure Agent that runs the mapping task.
    3Click Edit.
    4In the System Configuration Details section, perform the following steps:
    1. aSelect Data Integration Server as the service and DTM as the type.
    2. bEdit the OdbcDataDirectNonWapi system property and set the value to 0.
    3. The configured OdbcDataDirectNonWapi property in the System Configuration Details section.
    5In the Custom Configuration Details section, perform the following steps:
    1. aSelect Data Integration Server as the service and DTM as the type.
    2. bEnter AddQuotesAlways in the Name field and set the value to Yes.
    3. The configured AddQuotesAlways property in the Custom Configuration Details section.
    6Click Save.