MongoDB V2 Connector > Connections for MongoDB V2 > Configure SSL for the serverless runtime environment

Configure SSL for the serverless runtime environment

You can use the serverless runtime environment with MongoDB V2 Connector to connect to an SSL-enabled MongoDB database in mappings in advanced mode.
Before you configure a secure MongoDB V2 connection using the serverless runtime environment, you need to perform certain prerequisites:
  1. 1Ensure that the truststore and keystore certificate files are in JKS format.
  2. 2Add the truststore and keystore certificates in the Amazon S3 bucket or Azure container in the following location in your AWS or Azure account: <Supplementary file location>/serverless_agent_config/SSL
  3. 3Copy the following code snippet to a text editor:
  4. version: 1
    - fileCopy:
    sourcePath: SSL/<cert_filename>
    - fileCopy:
    sourcePath: SSL/<cert_filename>
    where the source path is the directory path of the certificate files in AWS or Azure.
    Note: You can add multiple source paths of the certificate files by adding multiple fileCopy tags.
  5. 4Ensure that the syntax and indentations are valid, and then save the file as serverlessUserAgentConfig.yml in the following AWS or Azure location: <Supplementary file location>/serverless_agent_config
  6. When the .yml file runs, the SSL certificates are copied from the AWS or Azure location to the serverless agent directory.
  7. 5Deploy the serverless agent.
  8. 6Specify the following certificate path in the serverless agent directory for the truststore and keystore file path fields: /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/ssl_store/<cert_filename>