NetSuite Connector > Connections for NetSuite > Token-based authentication

Token-based authentication

Token-based authentication is the preferred method to access NetSuite. When a connection uses token-based authentication, the agent uses a token ID and token secret to access NetSuite instead of a user name and password.
To use token-based authentication, install an Informatica token-based authentication bundle and generate the token ID and token secret in NetSuite. The token does not expire unless you revoke it from your NetSuite account. However, you might need to update the bundle and generate a new token if Informatica updates the bundle version in the future.
  1. 1Log in to NetSuite using a Full Access or Administrator account.
  2. 2Navigate to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search and Install Bundles.
  3. 3Search for the keyword, "InformaticaTBABundle".
  4. A bundle with Bundle ID of 116143 appears in the search results.
  5. 4Select InformaticaTBABundle and install it.
  6. 5Navigate to Setup > Users/Roles > Access Tokens > New.
  7. 6For Application Name, select InformaticaTBAIntegration.
  8. 7Write down the access token and token secret displayed on the page.
  9. You enter the token ID and token secret in Data Integration when you configure the NetSuite connection.
    Note: If you lose the token information, you need to generate another token in NetSuite. NetSuite does not provide token information for previously generated tokens.