NetSuite RESTlet V2 Connector > NetSuite RESTlet V2 Connections > NetSuite RESTlet V2 connection properties

NetSuite RESTlet V2 connection properties

When you set up a NetSuite RESTlet V2 connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the NetSuite RESTlet V2 connection properties:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
NetSuite RESTlet V2.
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment where you want to run the tasks.
Select a Secure Agent, Hosted Agent, or serverless runtime environment.
User name for a NetSuite account. User name is an email address.
Optional if you use token-based authentication to access NetSuite.
Password for the NetSuite account.
Optional if you use token-based authentication to access NetSuite.
Rest Domain
Rest domain name:
For instance, you can enter the following values:
  • - for beta environment
  • - for sandbox account
  • - or for production account
You can also enter the domain name URL specific to your NetSuite account instead of the default domain name URL.
The domain name URL used by the NetSuite account is in the following format:
Informatica recommends that you use the domain name URL specific to the NetSuite account that you use.
Note: You can use NetSuite Connector with the NetSuite 2023_1 sandbox account or release preview account.
Account ID
NetSuite account ID. To find your account ID, log in to NetSuite and click Setup > Integration > Web Services Preferences.
If you cannot access the Setup menu, navigate to Support > Go to Suite Answers > Contact support by phone. The page displays your account ID.
Consumer Key
The client key associated with the web service application.
Required only for token-based authentication.
Consumer Secret
The client password to connect to the web service application.
Required only for token-based authentication.
Token ID
The token ID generated in NetSuite.
Required if you want to use token-based authentication to access NetSuite. Optional if you use a user name and password to access NetSuite.
Token Secret
The token secret generated in NetSuite.
Required if you want to use token-based authentication to access NetSuite. Optional if you use a user name and password to access NetSuite.

Configuring NetSuite account-specific domain name URL

Perform the following steps to use your NetSuite account-specific domain name URL:
  1. 1Log in to NetSuite and click Setup > Company > Company Information.
  2. 2On the Company Information page, click Company URLs.
  3. The RESTLETS field displays the account-specific URL in the following format:
  4. 3Copy and paste the account-specific URL from step 2 in the Rest Domain connection property field.