Consider the following rules and guidelines when you configure mappings with OData V2 Protocol Writer:
•If the data serialization format used is ATOM/XML when you update or delete a row that does not exist in SAP, an error message appears in the logs stating that the resource is not found. However, the status of the job shows as a success.
•In the Web Services transformation, the fields from the source are parsed as null when written to the target file.
•You cannot use the fault group to receive error messages for the Web Services transformation. To check failed rows, enable verbose mode for the session logs.
•In an update operation, the agent updates only the mapped fields to the OData V2 endpoint and makes no changes to the unmapped fields. The response for the update operation from the OData V2 endpoint returns only the updated fields, while the rest of the fields are returned as empty or blank to the next transformation configured downstream in the mapping.
•When you perform a deep insert operation using the XML format, the following date format exception occurs: org.apache.olingo.odata2.api.edm.EdmSimpleTypeException: The literal '2020-09-14T07:15:16.1447570' is not formatted properly
•The output fields from the web service transformation does not match with the response from the SAP OData V2 endpoint.