OpenAir Connector > Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting


You might face the following issues during configuration of OpenAir Connectors:
    1If the fetch size of data for source object is large, an error message Out of Memory might occur. You can either decrease the batch size in the connection tab or increase the cloud Secure Agent memory size.
    2Failure of synchronization task with error message The DTM process terminated unexpectedly might occur due to Enable Logging attribute in connection.
    Do not select the box and run the task again to disable the Enable Logging field.
    3All string fields in the OpenAir have a precession of 225 characters by default. You need to define that field with record name in the property file if any field needs to have more than 225 length.
    4The OpenAir Connector generates an error message Invalid XML character if OpenAir read operation fetches data containing special character.
    5 You need to specify each currency in individual filter.
    For example, specify
    currencies<equal to>'USD'; currencies<equal to >'AUD' when you fetch data based on filter currencies and not like currencies <equal to> 'USD,AUD,CAD,EUR,GBP,JPY,MXN,NZD,CHF,AED,ARS,BHD,BRL,CLP,CNY,COP,CRC,DKK,HKD,HRK,IDR,ILS,INR,JMD,KES,KRW,MYR,NOK,PEN,PHP,PLN,SAR,SEK,SGD,THB,TWD,VEB,XCD,ZAR,TRY,RUB'.
    6If you use an object whose fields are updated by OpenAir and you use an earlier OpenAir-metadata.jar file, an error occurs. Use the latest WSDL version and generate the OpenAir-metadata.jar file from the latest WSDL version when OpenAir makes any updates, for example, adding new fields.
The Secure Agent generates a log file to capture the messages thrown during task configuration. The messages are saved in the following location:<Secure Agent installation directory>\apps\Data_Integration_Server\logs