REST V2 Connector > Connections for REST V2 > Swagger specification file in a serverless runtime environment

Swagger specification file in a serverless runtime environment

To configure a swagger file in a serverless runtime environment, be sure to complete the prerequisites.
In the serverless runtime environment, you can configure a swagger file in one of the following ways:
To configure a swagger file in a serverless runtime environment, complete the following prerequisite tasks to add the swagger file to the serverless runtime location:
  1. 1Create the following structure for the serverless agent configuration in AWS or Azure:
  2. <Supplementary file location>/serverless_agent_config
  3. 2Add the swagger specification file in the Amazon S3 bucket or Azure container in the following location in your AWS or Azure account:
  4. <Supplementary file location>/serverless_agent_config/restv2
    1. aCopy the following code snippet to a text editor:
    2. version: 1
      - fileCopy:
      sourcePath: restv2/<swagger_file_name1>.json
      - fileCopy:
      sourcePath: restv2/<swagger_file_name2>.json
      where the source path is the directory path of the swagger files in AWS or Azure.
  5. 3Ensure that the syntax and indentations are valid, and then save the file as serverlessUserAgentConfig.yml in the following AWS or Azure location:
  6. <Supplementary file location>/serverless_agent_config
    When the .yml file runs, the SSL certificates are copied from the AWS or Azure location to the serverless agent directory.
  7. 4In the REST V2 connection properties, specify the following swagger path in the serverless agent directory in the Swagger File Path field:
  8. /home/cldagnt/SystemAgent/serverless/configurations/restv2/<swagger_file_name>.json