REST V2 Connector > REST V2 operations > Uploading a file to a REST endpoint URL

Uploading a file to a REST endpoint URL

You can upload a file to a REST endpoint URL as a part of the REST API call.
To pass a file as an input to REST V2 connector, you must set the content-type to either multipart/form-data or binary in the request. When the swagger definition has Input parameter of type formData, the file boundary is added to the content of the uploaded file to indicate the start and end of the file. When the swagger definition has Input parameter of type binary, the content is generated without having the file boundary.
You must have the formData parameter of type file defined as one of input parameters in swagger. For example,
{ "name":"file",
"description":"file to upload",
"type":"file" }
The following image shows the sample REST V2 object hierarchy:
The image shows a sample REST V2 object hierarchy when you use the formData parameter of type file in the swagger definition.
Use one of the following methods to pass a file as an input:
The following image shows a sample swagger file to upload a binary file: