Salesforce Connector > Masking tasks with Salesforce

Masking tasks with Salesforce

The masking task masks the sensitive fields in source data with realistic test data for nonproduction environments. You can choose to create a subset of the sensitive source data with object relationships reconciled.
When you create a masking task, you can use standard objects to add multiple source objects. The masking task uses external IDs, custom fields, or unique field lookup to reconcile relationships between the target parent-child objects. When you configure targets, you can specify external IDs to write data into the targets.
When you select multiple source objects in a masking task, you select a primary object and add the required related objects individually. You can use junction objects to store the relationship details between two Salesforce objects.
When you run a masking task, the task can populate the source owner name of the User object in the target instead of the target connection name.