You can configure synchronization, data transfer, or mapping tasks to start when they receive a Salesforce outbound message.
The task must include a single Salesforce source and cannot include row limits or data filters.
When you configure a task to start when it receives Salesforce messages, the task wizard generates an endpoint URL. In Salesforce, use the endpoint URL to configure a workflow rule so that Salesforce sends messages to Data Integration.
Note: When you use a serverless runtime environment, you cannot configure tasks to start with Salesforce outbound messages.
You can determine when the task times out. The timeout is the length of time that the task can be inactive but still available to receive messages. If a message is received during this period, the time resets. Use Custom Timeout or No Timeout options to increase the timeout length so the task continues to run and is ready to process messages. The default timeout is 60 seconds. You can specify the time in seconds for Custom Timeout. No Timeout sets the indefinite timeout.
To configure a task to run when Salesforce sends an outbound message, perform the following steps:
1In Data Integration, select a single Salesforce source for the task in the wizard.
Configure the task to run in real time upon receiving an outbound message from Salesforce, and copy the endpoint URL.
Optionally, select a timeout option for the task.
2In Salesforce, create a workflow rule and add an outbound message for the workflow action.
Configure the Salesforce outbound message using the endpoint URL from the task wizard, and select the fields to send to the task.
Note: If you did not copy the URL from the task wizard, you can find the endpoint URL on the task details page.