Salesforce Data Cloud Connector > Salesforce Data Cloud connections > Connect to Salesforce Data Cloud

Connect to Salesforce Data Cloud

Let's configure the Salesforce Data Cloud connection properties to connect to Salesforce Data Cloud.

Before you begin

Before you get started, create a connected app for the Data Cloud Ingestion API in Salesforce Data Cloud, with the required scopes.
You need at a minimum the Manage user data via APIs (api) and Manage Data Cloud Ingestion API data (cdp_ingest_api) scopes for Salesforce Data Cloud.
To load data, you also need to create an ingestion API data stream.
Configure your connected app and get the consumer key and consumer secret to generate the access token.
For more information about these steps, see the Salesforce Data Cloud documentation.

Connection details

The following table describes the basic connection properties:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
Description of the connection. Maximum length is 4000 characters.
Salesforce Data Cloud
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment where you want to run tasks.
Select a Secure Agent or Hosted Agent.
Authentication Type
The authentication method to connect to Salesforce Data Cloud.
Default is OAuth 2.0 client credentials.
Access Token URL
The endpoint where OAuth 2.0 requests are sent to obtain an access token to connect to the Salesforce Data Cloud instance.
The format of the URL is: https://<Salesforce Data Cloud organization ID>
Client ID
Client ID of your application to connect to Salesforce Data Cloud.
Client Secret
The client secret associated with the client ID.
Access Token
The access token value.
Click Generate Access Token to populate the access token value.