SAP Table Connector > Synchronization tasks with SAP Table > Configuring a synchronization task with multiple SAP objects as the source

Configuring a synchronization task with multiple SAP objects as the source

    1To create a synchronization task, click Data Integration > New > Tasks. Select Synchronization Task and click Create.
    2Enter a name for the synchronization task.
    The names of synchronization tasks must be unique within the organization. Synchronization task names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters:_ . + -
    Synchronization task names are not case sensitive.
    3Enter a description for the synchronization task.
    The description can have a maximum length of 255 characters.
    4Select the task operation that you can perform on the target. Select one of the following options: Insert, Update, Upsert, and Delete.
    5Click Next to enter the source details.
    1. aSelect an SAP Table connection.
    2. bSelect Multipleas the source type.
    3. cClick Add to specify an SAP source object.
    4. The Select Source Object dialog box appears. The dialog box displays up to 200 objects. If the objects you want to use do not appear, enter a search string to search based on name and description. To search for an object using the technical name, enclose the name in double quotes.
    5. dRepeat the previous steps to add multiple SAP objects. To remove a selected object, click the Delete icon.
    6 Create relationships between the multiple SAP objects.
    1. aSelect an SAP object and click Create Relationshipto create the join conditions between the source and the related object.
    2. The Create Relationship dialog box appears.
    3. bSpecify the key field in the source SAP object, the type of join, the join operator, the related SAP object, and the key field in the related object.
    4. cClick OK to create the relationship.
    5. dRepeat the previous steps to create multiple relationships.
    7To display technical names instead of business names, select Display technical field names instead of labels.
    8To display source fields in alphabetic order, click Display source fields in alphabetical order.
    By default, fields appear in the order returned by the source system.
    9Click Next to specify the target connection and target objects.
    10Click Next to specify any data filters or sort criteria.
    Note: Specify the row limit in the Advanced Source Properties section in the Schedule page.
    11Click New to create a data filter. You can choose to create a simple or advanced data filter.
    12Click New to configure the sort criteria.
    1. aSelect the source object, sort by field, and the sort direction.
    2. bClick New to configure additional sort criteria or click Deleteto remove a sort criteria.
    13Click Next to configure the field mappings. Perform any of the following steps based on your requirements.
    1. aIn the Source column, select one of the SAP objects or All source objects to map the fields.
    2. bClick Edit Types in the Source column to edit the precision and scale of the selected SAP object.
    3. cClick Add Mapplet to select a mapplet and optionally specify a connection for the mapplet.
    4. dClick Automatch to match source and target fields with similar names.
    5. eClick Refresh Fields to update the cache and view the latest field attributes.
    6. fClick Edit Types in the Target column to edit the data type, precision and scale of the target object. Note that this option is not available for all target types.
    7. gSelect a source field and drag it to the target field to map the field. Repeat for all the fields that you want to map.
    8. hClick the Add or Edit Expression icon to define a field expression to transform data.
    9. iClick the Add or Edit Lookup icon to create a lookup. Specify the lookup connection, object, source and lookup fields, output field, multiplicity, and lookup expression.
    10. jClick Validate Mapping to validate all the field mappings.
    11. kClick Clear Mapping to clear all the field mappings.
    14Click Next to configure a schedule and advanced options. Perform any of the following steps based on your requirements.
    1. aClick Run this task on schedule and specify the schedule you want to use.
    2. bConfigure the email notification options.
    3. cConfigure advanced options for the task.
    4. dConfigure the advanced source properties and advanced target properties.
    5. eSpecify the execution mode.
    15Save the synchronization task. You can choose one of the following save options.