ServiceNow Connector > Troubleshooting > Fail ServiceNow Read Mapping on Error

Fail ServiceNow Read Mapping on Error

When you read data from ServiceNow, the mapping might succeed even if errors are encountered. By default, ServiceNow logs the encountered errors but Data Integration does not fail the mapping.
You can, however, set the DSnow_FailOnReadError=true property for the task to fail when errors are encountered during the read operation:
  1. 1Click the Runtime Options tab in the mapping task.
  2. 2In the Advanced Session Properties, click Add.
  3. 3In the Session Property Name field, select Custom properties.
  4. 4In the Session Property Value field, specify the following property and set the value to true:
  5. DSnow_FailOnReadError
    For example, DSnow_FailOnReadError=true
When you set DSnow_FailOnReadError to true, any errors such as incorrect data types or missing columns encountered when you read data from ServiceNow fails the mapping.