ServiceNow Connector > Connections for ServiceNow > Proxy server settings

Proxy server settings

If your organization uses an outgoing proxy server to connect to the Internet, the Secure Agent connects to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services through the proxy server.
You can configure the Secure Agent to use the proxy server on Windows and Linux. You can use only the unauthenticated proxy server. You can configure proxy both in mappings and in mappings in advanced mode.
To configure the proxy settings for the Secure Agent, use one of the following methods:
When you use a serverless runtime environment, you cannot use a proxy server to connect to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
Contact your network administrator for the correct proxy settings.

Configure proxy server through proxy.ini file

To enable the proxy server, configure the Secure Agent through the proxy.ini file.
  1. 1Navigate to the following directory on the Secure Agent machine: <Secure Agent installation directory>\Informatica Cloud Secure Agent\apps\agentcore\conf\proxy.ini
  2. 2Add the host and port number of the proxy server in the proxy.ini file:
  3. InfaAgent.ProxyHost=<Proxy server hostname>
    InfaAgent.ProxyPort=<Proxy server port number>
  4. 3Restart the Secure Agent.