Snowflake Data Cloud Connector > Part III: SQL ELT with Snowflake Data Cloud Connector > SQL ELT optimization for mapping tasks > Features


You can configure SQL ELT optimization for a mapping or mapping in advanced mode that reads from the following sources and writes to a Snowflake target:
Note: 1Doesn't apply to mappings in advanced mode.
When you configure a mapping, some parameters are not supported for a mapping enabled for SQL ELT optimization. You can refer to the list of parameters that each source supports.

Snowflake Data Cloud sources, targets, and lookups

When you configure SQL ELT optimization, refer to this list of supported Snowflake Data Cloud properties in the Source, Target, and Lookup transformations.

Source properties

You can configure the following properties in a Snowflake source transformation:
The following source properties don't apply in mappings enabled with full SQL ELT optimization:
The following source properties don't apply in a Snowflake source transformation:

Target properties

You can add multiple Snowflake targets in a mapping. The target can be the same Snowflake target table added multiple times or different Snowflake target tables.
You can configure the following properties in a Snowflake target transformation:
The following target properties don't apply in a Snowflake target transformation:
Note: When you write to multiple targets in mappings in advanced mode, you can only use the Insert operation.

Lookup properties

When you enable SQL ELT optimization, you can configure the following properties for Snowflake connected and unconnected lookups:
The following lookup properties don't apply in Snowflake connected and unconnected lookups:

Guidelines for mappings

Consider the following guidelines when you configure mappings:

Amazon S3 V2 source

The mapping supports the following properties for an Amazon S3 V2 connection:
The mapping supports the following properties for an Amazon S3 V2 source:
A mapping enabled for SQL ELT optimization that reads from an Amazon S3 V2 source and writes to a Snowflake target has some restrictions.


When you read multiple Avro files using an Amazon S3 connection enabled for IAM authentication, specify the right access key and the secret key in the Amazon S3 connection. For more information, see the help for Amazon S3 V2 Connector.

Create a new target at runtime

A mapping that creates a new target at runtime has the following restrictions:

Data types

A mapping has the following restrictions for certain data types:
For information on how to configure the supported properties, see the help for Amazon S3 V2 Connector.

Google Cloud Storage V2 source

The mapping supports the following properties for a Google Cloud Storage V2 source connection:
Note: In advanced mode, Google Cloud Storage V2 as the source is not applicable with SQL ELT optimization.
For information on how to configure the supported properties, see the help for Google Cloud Storage V2 Connector.

Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source

The mapping supports the following properties for an Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source connection:
The mapping supports the following properties for a Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 source:
For information on how to configure the supported properties, see the help for Microsoft Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 Connector.