Snowflake Data Cloud Connector > Part II: Data Integration with Snowflake Data Cloud Connector > Migrating a mapping > Migration restrictions

Migration restrictions

You need to consider some rules for some of the configurations before you migrate assets.

Migrate mappings containing multiple source objects

If you want to override the database and schema in the advanced properties for source objects, the database and schema selected in all the source objects must be the same.
For example, a mapping contains the following objects:
object1: <db1>.<schema1.<object1>
object2: <db1>.<schema1.object2>
For example, the following image shows the two source objects used in the mapping where the database and schema name for both the sources are the same: The database and schema name for both the objects selected in the mapping are the same.
If the database and schema are different, for example, if the database and schema for object1 is <db1>.<schema1.object1> and object2 is <db2>.<schema2.object2>, migration does not work.
When the mapping contains multiple objects, do not override the table from the advanced properties.

Migrate mappings containing advanced filter and a table name override

If the mapping contains an advanced filter for the object, for example, <Table2>, in the query options section and an override to the table name in the advanced properties, consider the following rules to override the table:
In mappings, consider one of the following options:
In advanced mode, use the table name specified as an override in the object advanced properties directly in the advanced filter condition. For example, <Table2>.id >= 1.

Migrate mappings containing an SQL override and custom query

In the mapping, when you specify an SQL override and the object type used is a custom query, ensure that the table you specified in the custom query and the SQL override contains the same metadata. The custom query and SQL override must be fully qualified. For example, Select * from DB1.Schema.Table1
When the mapping contains an SQL override and custom query combination, do not specify the database or schema in the advanced source properties in the mapping and in the Additional JDBC URL Parameters field in the Snowflake connection If you do, the mapping fails.
When you configure a partially parameterized custom query, specify the default value for the parameters. For example, when you specify Select * from $$DB1.$$Schema.$$Table1, add a placeholder value as the default value while creating the in-out parameters for DB1, Schema1, and Table1.
If you have selected parameter as the source type in the mapping, do not select the Allow parameter to be overridden at runtime option. You can then select the custom query in the mapping task.
For more information about the supported overrides in combination with an SQL override from the advanced properties, see Overriding SQL.