Teradata Connector > Mappings and Mapping Tasks with Teradata > Calling a stored procedure

Calling a stored procedure

When you use the ODBC connection and select the ODBC subtype as Teradata, you can use an SQL transformation to call a stored procedure in Teradata. You can use the SQL transformation to process SQL queries midstream in a pipeline.
You can configure the SQL transformation to process the following types of SQL statements:
Stored procedure
Stored procedures reside in the database and run within the database. When you configure the SQL transformation to process a stored procedure, it passes input parameters to the stored procedure. The stored procedure passes the return value or values to the output fields of the transformation.
Note: Stored procedure definitions must not contain keywords, special characters, and Unicode characters.
SQL Query
You can configure the SQL transformation to process a saved query that you create in Data Integration or you can enter a query in the SQL editor.
Note: Stored function is not supported.
For more information about SQL transformations, see Transformations in the Data Integration help.