WebServices V2 Connector > Web Services V2 Connections > Creating a Web Services Connection

Creating a Web Services Connection

To use Web Services Connector in a synchronization task, you must create a connection in Data Integration.
You can configure a connection on the Connections page or in a wizard as you configure a task.
Perform the following steps to create a Web Services connection in Data Integration:
    1On the Connections page, click New Connection to create a connection.
    The New Connection page appears.
    2Provide the connection properties.
    3Click Test Connection to evaluate the connection.
    Note: When you test the connection, a sample CSV template with CSV-header is created in the respective directory paths. A configuration file is also generated in the body CSV file path named config.properties. The file contains the following fields with the default values:
    In configuration file, you can use RepeatingChildLevels to control the number of sub-childs with same tag name.
    HierarchyLen is used to define the length allocated to the shortened hierarchy name. FieldLen is used to define the length allocated to the end tag name. You can modify the value of the fields based on the requirement. The sum of the two fields should not be greater than 60.
    When you modify the values in the configuration file, you need to regenerate the Body, Header and Mapping CSV files. To regenerate the files, delete the existing files in the respective directories and click Test.
    The Documents folder is also generated in the same folder path. The Documents folder contains mapping CSV files for each operation. The mapping CSV files consist the mapping between the shortened name and the complete hierarchy navigation as mentioned in the WSDL. The following figure describes the mapping CSV files.
    4Select the Manual Creation of Body/Header CSV files in the Auto CSV file Creation field after all the required CSV files are generated.
    This selection offers better performance when you run the Data Filters task.
    5Click Save to save the connection.
    For more information, see Web Services Connection Guidelines