WebServices V2 Connector > Synchronization Tasks with Web Services V2 Connector > Data Filters

Data Filters

Data filters help you to fetch specific data in web services connector. The synchronization task processes the data based on the filter field assigned.
Note: Advanced data filters are not supported by Web Services Connector.
Perform the following steps to use data filters:
    1In the synchronization task, select Data Filters tab.
    The Data Filters tab appears.
    2Click New.
    The Data Filter dialog box appears.
    3Specify the following details.
    Field Type
    Select Object for which you want to assign filter fields.
    Filter By
    Select the Filter Field.
    Select the corresponding operator.
    Filter Value
    Enter the Filter value.
    4Click OK.
    Note: When web service is the source, you can pass parameters to the web service through the data filters.

Data Filters Tips

There are two ways to pass the data using filter fields.
There are also two custom fields to support file attachments.
There are two output custom fields generated irrespective of the WSDL related to the attachment support.
Note: when you upload a file, all the necessary information must be according to WSDL design. The field must contain the attachment data in bytes of Base64 and the value should be entered as “BYTES"