Data filters help you to fetch specific data of a particular object. You can assign a filter field to the object, and the synchronization task processes the data.
Perform the following steps to use data filters:
1In a synchronization task, select the Data Filters tab.
2Click New.
The Data Filter dialog box appears.
3Enter the data filter fields as described in the following table:
Field Type
Select object for which you want to assign filter fields.
Filter By
Select the filter field.
Select the corresponding operator.
Filter Value
Enter the filter value.
4Click OK.
You cannot assign data filters when you use the following Zendesk objects in a synchronization task:
Rules and Guidelines for Data Filters
Consider the following rules and guidelines when you configure data filters:
•You cannot configure advanced data filters using Zendesk V2 Connector.
•If you use Variants, UserIdentities, TicketComments, TicketAudits, TicketMetricEvents, or DynamicContent as the source object, it is mandatory to assign data filters.
•When you configure a data filter for a field of Date data type, you must not specify the timestamp.
•If you select the Is Incremental Export advanced source property, you must provide a data filter only for Updated_At field in GMT format.
Note: You must not provide data filters for any other field.