Connectors and Connections > Data Ingestion and Replication connection properties > Advanced FTPS V2 connection properties

Advanced FTPS V2 connection properties

When you set up an Advanced FTPS V2 connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Advanced FTPS V2 connection properties:
Connection property
Connection Name
The name of the connection. The name is not case sensitive and must be unique within the domain. You can change this property after you create the connection. The name cannot exceed 128 characters, contain spaces, or contain the following special characters:~ ` ! $ % ^ & * ( ) - + = { [ } ] | \ : ; " ' < , > . ? /
Optional. The description of the connection. The description cannot exceed 4,000 characters.
Select the Advanced FTPS V2 connection type.
Runtime Environment
The name of the runtime environment that contains the Secure Agent that you want to run the tasks.
The host name or IP address of the server.
The port number to use for connecting to the server. If left blank, the default port number is 21.
User name to connect to the FTPS server.
Password to connect to the FTPS server.
Folder Path
The directory to use after connecting to the server.
Use passive mode
Indicates whether the connection uses Passive or Active mode. Specify Yes to use Passive mode. Specify No to use Active mode.
The default value is Yes.
In Passive mode, the server does not need to connect back to a port on the connection client, which is a firewall-friendly mode. If you have problems with connecting to the server, you might want to change the mode to Passive by selecting Yes for this option. In Passive mode, depending on the FTPS server, the connection may require high port range based on the port availability to transfer data.
In Active mode, the server attempts to connect back to a port on the connection client to perform the data transfer.
Data Connection Start Port
The starting port number to use for the data connection.
Data Connection End Port
The ending port number to use for the data connection.
The number of seconds to wait when attempting to connect to the server. A timeout occurswill if the connection cannot be established in the specified amount of time. If left blank, the default value of 120 seconds is used.
Connection Retry Attempts
The number of times to connect to retry the Advanced FTP V2 connection if a connection cannot be established. This setting is used for both the initial connection and any reconnect attempts due to lost connections. If left blank, no retries will be attempted.
Connection Retry Interval
The number of seconds to wait between each connection retry attempt.
Note: For instance, if you want to retry to connect up to 10 times with a five second delay between retries, then specify 10 for the Connection Retry Attempts and 5 for the Connection Retry Interval.
Control Encoding
If left blank, the connection uses the ISO standard ISO-8859-1. If supported by the server, other encodings like UTF-8 can be specified to support international characters.
Trusted Server
Specify whether the FTPS server is a trusted server. The Advanced FTP V2 Connector only supports a trusted server.
List Parser
The list parser to use for the server connection. If the field is empty, the Advanced FTP V2 Connector tries to use the MLSD parser. If the server does not support the MLSD parser, the connector uses the UNIX parser. If you experience problems listing directories, select a different list parser.
Date Format
This date format is applied if the server returns a date that is different from the selected list parser default. If your location requires a different date format (for example, d MMM yyyy), specify the date format in this field. Not all list parsers support the date format setting. List parsers that do not support the date format setting ignores any user specified values.
Recent Date Format
Specify the date format to use when parsing the recent last modified date for each file. The recent date format applies in UNIX-based systems and appears on entries less than a year old. If your location requires a specific date format (for example, d MMM HH:mm), specify that pattern in this field. Not all list parsers support the recent date format setting. List parsers that do not support the recent date format setting ignores any user-specified values.
Connection Type
Indicates if the connection type is IMPLICIT_SSL or EXPLICIT_SSL.
  • - IMPLICIT_SSL. The connection automatically starts as an SSL connection.
  • - EXPLICIT_SSL. After initial authentication with the FTPS server, the connection is encrypted with SSL or TLS depending on the security protocol you select.
Default is IMPLICIT_SSL.
Indicates whether SSL or TLS is used for EXPLICIT_SSL connections.
Default is SSL.
Key Store File
The path and file name of the keystore file. The keystore file contains the certificates to authenticate the FTPS server.
Key Store Password
The password for the keystore file required to access the Trusted Server Certificate Store.
Key Alias
The alias of the individual key.
Key Store Type
Indicates if the type of the keystore is Java KeyStore (JKS) or Public Key Cryptology Standard (PKCS12).
Default is JKS.
Controls the maximum amount of network resources used for file transfers. The value is applicable for file uploads and downloads. Default is 0. 0 indicates that the bandwidth is not restricted.
Bandwidth Unit
The unit of the network bandwidth used for file transfer. You can choose one of the following units:
  • - Kilobytes per second (KBps)
  • - Megabytes per second (MBps)
Note: Advanced FTPS V2 connector doesn't support NTLM proxy authentication.