Connectors and Connections > Data Ingestion and Replication connection properties > ServiceNow Mass Ingestion connection properties

ServiceNow Mass Ingestion connection properties

When you set up a ServiceNow Mass Ingestion connection, you must configure the connection properties.
The properties of a ServiceNow Mass Ingestion connection vary based on the authentication method that you specify for the connection. When you create a connection, you can select one of the following authentication methods:

Connection properties for OAuth 2.0 authentication

The following table describes the connection properties for a ServiceNow Mass Ingestion connection configured with OAuth 2.0 authentication:
Connection property
Connection Name
A name for the connection. This name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
Spaces at the beginning or end of the name are trimmed and are not saved as part of the name. Maximum length is 100 characters. Connection names are not case sensitive.
An optional description for the connection. Maximum length is 255 characters.
The type of connection. For an Oracle Database Ingestion connection, the type must be ServiceNow Mass Ingestion.
Runtime Environment
Name of the runtime environment where you want to run the ingestion tasks.
You must specify a Secure Agent as the runtime environment.
Note: You cannot run application ingestion and replication tasks on a Hosted Agent or serverless runtime environment.
User Name
User name of the ServiceNow account.
Password for the ServiceNow account.
Client Secret
Client secret of the API endpoint created for the connection in ServiceNow.
Client ID
Client ID of the API endpoint created for the connection in ServiceNow.
Base URI
URL of the ServiceNow instance.
You must enter the base URI in the following format:
OAuth Token URL
OAuth token endpoint of the ServiceNow instance. The API client associated with the connection sends the access token requests to this endpoint.

Connection properties for Basic authentication

The following table describes the connection properties for a ServiceNow Mass Ingestion connection configured with Basic authentication:
Connection property
Connection Name
A name for the connection. This name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -
Spaces at the beginning or end of the name are trimmed and are not saved as part of the name. Maximum length is 100 characters. Connection names are not case sensitive.
An optional description for the connection. Maximum length is 255 characters.
The type of connection. For an Oracle Database Ingestion connection, the type must be ServiceNow Mass Ingestion.
Runtime Environment
Name of the runtime environment where you want to run the ingestion tasks.
You must specify a Secure Agent as the runtime environment.
Note: You cannot run application ingestion and replication tasks on a Hosted Agent or serverless runtime environment.
User Name
User name of the ServiceNow account.
Password for the ServiceNow account.
Base URI
URL of the ServiceNow instance.
You must enter the base URI in the following format: