Transformations > Transformations > Data object preview

Data object preview

When you add a Source, Target, or Lookup transformation to a mapping and you select a single object as the source, target, or lookup object, you can preview the data.
This data preview feature is different from mapping data preview. A mapping data preview lets you see data that changed as a result of processing the mapping logic. For information on mapping data preview, see Mappings.
To preview the data object, open the Source, Target, or Lookup Object tab of the Properties panel, and click Preview Data.
When you preview data, Data Integration displays the following information:
If the source, target, or lookup object is a flat file, you can also configure the formatting options. The following table describes the formatting options for flat files:
Flat File Type
File type, either delimited or fixed-width.
Delimiter character for delimited files.
Treat multiple characters as a single delimiter
Treats the specified set of delimiters as one delimiter. For example, a source file contains the following record: abc~def|ghi~|~|jkl|~mno. If you specify the delimiter as ( ~ | ), Data Integration reads the record as three columns separated by two delimiters: abc~def|ghi, NULL, jkl|~mno. If you disable this option, Data Integration reads the record as nine columns separated by eight delimiters: abc, def, ghi, NULL, NULL, NULL, jkl, NULL, mno.
Text Qualifier
Character to qualify text for delimited files.
Escape Character
Escape character for delimited files.
Field Labels
For delimited files, determines whether the task generates the field labels or imports them from the source file. If you import them from the source file, enter the row number that contains the field labels.
Fixed Width File Format
File format to use for fixed-width files. If the list includes multiple fixed-width file formats with the same name, use the project and folder location that's appended to the name to determine the appropriate file format to use. If there are no available fixed-width file formats, select New > Components > Fixed-Width File Format to create one.
Note: Other formatting options might be available based on the connection type. For more information, see the help for the appropriate connector.