HTTP Status Code | Action |
100 Continue | Row is skipped. Partial requests are not permitted. |
101,102,103 Informational, interim | Mapping fails. |
3XX Redirection | Row is skipped. Mapping fails if the redirected URL cannot be reached or the redirected URL returns a code that fails the mapping. |
400 Bad request | Row is skipped. |
401 Unauthorized | Mapping fails. |
403 Forbidden | Mapping fails. |
404 Resource not found | Mapping fails. |
405 Method not allowed | Mapping fails. |
407 Proxy authentication required | Request is tried again. |
408 Request timeout | Mapping fails. |
409 Conflict | Row is skipped. |
415 Unsupported media type | Mapping fails. |
418 I'm a teapot | Mapping fails. |
421 Misdirected request | Mapping fails. |
423 Resource is locked | Row is skipped. |
429 Too many requests | Mapping fails. |
500 Internal server error | Mapping fails. |
501 Not implemented | Mapping fails. |
502 Bad gateway | Mapping fails. |
503 Service unavailable | Mapping fails. |
504 Gateway timeout | Mapping fails. |
505 HTTP version not supported | Mapping fails. |
506 Server internal configuration error | Mapping fails. |
511 Network authentication required | Mapping fails. |