Transformations > Transformations > Incoming fields

Incoming fields

An incoming field is a field that enters a transformation from an upstream transformation.
By default, a transformation inherits all incoming fields from an upstream transformation. However, you might want to change the default. For example, you might not need all of the fields from an upstream transformation, or you might need to rename fields from an upstream transformation.
A field rule defines how data enters a transformation from an upstream transformation. You can create field rules to specify which incoming fields to include or exclude and to rename incoming fields as required.
A field name conflict occurs when fields come from multiple transformations and have the same name. To resolve a field name conflict caused by fields from an upstream transformation, you can create a field name conflict resolution to rename incoming fields in bulk.
The following list shows the order of events that take place as fields enter and move through a transformation:
  1. 1Field name conflict resolution rules run, if any are present.
  2. 2Field rules run as fields from upstream transformations enter a transformation.
  3. 3Depending on the transformation type, new fields might be added to a transformation. For example, in a Lookup transformation, fields can enter the transformation from a lookup object.

Field name conflicts

The Mapping Designer generates a field name conflict error when you validate a mapping that has fields with matching names from different transformations. When a field name conflict occurs, you need to ensure that each field has a unique name.
To resolve a field name conflict, you can create a field rule to rename fields. If you create a field rule to resolve a field name conflict, you create the field rule in the upstream transformation.
Alternatively, field name conflict error messages contain a link that you can use to create a field name conflict rule to resolve the field name conflict. A field name conflict rule renames all of the fields from the upstream transformation, not just the fields that cause a conflict.
Field name conflict rules take effect before field rules take effect. Field name conflict rules are only applicable to incoming fields from upstream transformations. Field name conflicts that occur after incoming fields first enter a transformation cannot be corrected by field name conflict rules. For example, you cannot use field name conflict rules to correct field name conflicts that occur due to field rules or activities such as lookup fields. Instead, modify the field rules or transformations that cause the conflict.

Creating a field name conflict resolution

You can resolve a field name conflict by renaming all of the fields coming from an upstream transformation in bulk using the Resolve Field Name Conflict dialog box, which you access from a field name conflict error message.
    1Click the link in the error message to access the Resolve Field Name Conflict dialog box.
    2Select the upstream transformation that contains the fields you want to rename in bulk.
    3In the Bulk Rename Options column, specify whether you want to rename by adding a prefix or by adding a suffix.
    4Enter the text to add to the field names, then click OK.

Field rules

Configure a field rule based on incoming fields from an upstream transformation. Then configure the field selection criteria and naming convention for the fields.
When you configure a field rule, you perform the following steps:
  1. 1Choose the incoming fields that you want to include or exclude. To improve processing time and keep a clean set of data, you can include only the incoming fields that you need.
  2. 2Configure the field selection criteria to determine which incoming fields apply to the rule. If you use the Named Fields selection criteria, you can use a parameter for the incoming fields.
  3. 3Optionally, choose to rename the fields. To distinguish fields that come from different sources or to avoid field name conflicts, you can rename incoming fields. If you use the pattern option, you can create a parameter to rename fields in bulk.
  4. 4Verify the order of execution. If you configure multiple rules, you can change the order in which the mapping task applies them.
Note: You cannot configure field rules on Source transformations or Mapplet transformations that contain sources.

Step 1. Choose incoming fields

When you configure a field rule, you indicate whether the rule includes or excludes the incoming fields that you specify.
The include/exclude operator works in conjunction with field selection criteria to determine which incoming fields a field rule affects.
For example, you want a transformation to exclude all binary fields. You select the exclude operator to indicate that the incoming fields that meet the field selection criteria do not pass into the current transformation. Then you specify the binary data type for the field selection criteria.

Step 2. Configure field selection criteria

When you configure a field rule, you specify the field selection criteria to determine which incoming fields apply to the field rule.
You can choose one of the following field selection criteria:
All Fields
Includes all of the incoming fields. You can rename the incoming fields in bulk when you use this option in combination with the Includes operator.
Named Fields
Includes or excludes the incoming fields that you specify. Use the Named Fields selection criteria to specify individual incoming fields to rename or to include or exclude from the incoming transformation. When you enter the field selection criteria details, you can review all of the incoming fields and select the fields to include or exclude. You can add a field that exists in the source if it does not display in the list. You can also create a parameter to represent a field to include or exclude.
Fields by Data Type
Includes or excludes incoming fields with the data types that you specify. When you enter the field selection criteria details, you can select the data types that you want to include or exclude.
Fields by Text or Pattern
Includes or excludes incoming fields by prefix, suffix, or pattern. You can use this option to select fields that you renamed earlier in the data flow. When you enter the field selection criteria details, you can select a prefix, suffix, or pattern, and define the rule to use.
When you select the prefix option or suffix option, you enter the text to use as the prefix or suffix. For example, to find all fields that start with the string, "Cust," enter Cust as the prefix.
When you select the pattern option, you can enter a regular expression or you can use a parameter for the pattern. The expression must use perl compatible regular expression syntax. For example, to find all fields that start with the strings "Cust" or "Addr," enter the pattern Cust.*|Addr.*. To find all fields that contain the string "Cust" or "CUST" anywhere in the field name, enter the pattern .*Cust.*|.*CUST.*. For more information about perl compatible regular expression syntax, see the help for the REG_EXTRACT function in Function Reference.
The following image shows the selection of the Fields by Data Types field selection criteria:
The image shows a rule in the Field Rules area with the Exclude Fields by Data Types field selection criteria selected. The Detail column shows the Configure link, which means the specific data type needs to be selected.
The following image shows the selection of the date/time data type for the field selection criteria details:
The Configure Field Rules dialog box shows the available data types that can be selected to determine which fields to exclude.

Step 3. Rename fields

Rename fields to avoid field name conflicts or to clarify field origins in complex mappings. You can rename fields as part of a field rule in a transformation. After you specify the field selection criteria for a field rule, you specify how to rename the selected fields.
You can rename fields individually or in bulk. When you rename fields individually, you select the fields you want to rename from a list of incoming fields. Then you specify the name for each of the selected fields.
When you rename in bulk, you can rename all fields by adding a prefix, suffix, or pattern. When you rename fields with a prefix or suffix, you enter the text string to use as a prefix or suffix. For example, you can specify to rename all fields as FF_<field name>.
When you rename fields by pattern, you enter a regular expression to represent the pattern or use a parameter to define the pattern in the task. You can create a simple expression to add a prefix or suffix to all field names or you can create an expression to replace a particular pattern with particular text.
To replace a pattern with text use a regular expression in the following syntax, where a forward slash separates the pattern to match and the text the pattern will be replaced with:
<pattern to match>/<replacement text>
The following table provides a few examples of using regular expressions when you rename fields in bulk:
Replace all occurrences of Inc with LLC.
Replace occurrences of Inc that occur at the end of a field name with LLC.
Replace occurrences of Loc that occur at the beginning of a field name with Branch.
Remove all occurrences of A/C.
Note: When a character in a field name is a regular expression metacharacter, escape the character with a backslash to show that it is a literal. In this example, the forward slash is a metacharacter.
Add a prefix of FF and a suffix of _in to all fields.
The following image shows the Configure Field Rules dialog box with the Pattern bulk renaming option selected and a pattern specified to use:
The Configure Field Rules dialog box shows the Pattern bulk rename option selected and FF_$0_in specified as the pattern to use to rename the fields.
Carefully construct field renaming rules to ensure that the rules do not introduce issues such as field name conflicts. If a field renaming rule causes field name conflicts, you can edit the rule.
Tip: If the upstream transformation is a source where you cannot rename in bulk, you can add an Expression transformation to rename the fields.

Step 4. Verify order of rule execution

If you create multiple field rules, confirm that the rules run in a logical order.
To review the order in which the rules run, you can view the rules in the Field Rules area. The mapping task runs the rules in the order in which the rules appear. If the order of the field rules is incorrect, you can rearrange the order.
You also can preview the incoming fields for the transformation based on the rules that you have created in the Preview Fields table. The Preview Fields table lists all included and excluded fields. For example, if you create a field rule that excludes binary fields, the Excluded Fields list shows the binary fields as excluded from the transformation.
If the Source transformation in the mapping uses a connection parameter or a data object parameter, the Preview Fields table does not display the transformation incoming fields.
The following image shows the Preview Fields table:
The Preview Fields table at the bottom of the Field Rules area lists the included and excluded fields.

Field rule configuration examples

The following examples show how you can configure field rules in a transformation.

Changing incoming field names

You need to create a mapping to gather revenue data from multiple sales locations. You learn that multiple fields from the upstream transformation have the same names as fields in a source transformation. To avoid field name conflicts, you change the field names for all incoming fields so that the source is distinguishable throughout the mapping. To change the names of incoming fields, you create a field rule to rename all fields with the SalesForce_ prefix.
To increase performance, you want to ensure that the data set only includes required data. You determine that information regarding transaction dates is not required, so you remove the data fields from the mapping. You create a rule to exclude fields that are not required. To exclude date fields, you create a rule to exclude fields with a date/time data type.
You review the order of the rules. You want the rule to rename the fields to run after the rule to exclude the date/time fields. You move the rule to remove date/time fields so that it appears before the renaming rule.

Removing patterns in field names

You can use parentheses to group different patterns and use a reference to replace the pattern. In a regular expression, parentheses group the patterns to be matched. You can use a ($) reference to select a group matched in the input string.
You might need to change patterns in fields between transformations. If fields in an upstream transformation contain the suffix _out, you can remove the suffix from the field names in the current transformation. Use the following expression to remove the _out suffix: (.*)_out/$1. The (.*) part of the expression matches all the field name characters, _out matches the suffix, and $1 references the input string specified by the matched (.*) field name characters.
The following expression shows another example:
In a matched string of string_out, for example, the matches are $1 for string, $2 for_, and $3 for out. The string value is referenced by $1 because string is the first group in the match.

Creating a field rule

Configure field rules on the Incoming Fields tab of the Properties panel in the Mapping Designer.
    1On the Incoming Fields tab, in the Field Rules area, insert a row for the rule based on the order in which the rules must run. In the Actions column for a rule that you want to run before or after the new rule, select either Insert above or Insert below.
    2To specify whether the rule includes or excludes fields, from the Operator column, choose either Include or Exclude.
    3In the Field Selection Criteria column, choose one of the following methods:
    4To provide the field selection details, in the Detail column, click the Configure or Rename link. The Rename link appears if the field selection criteria is All Fields.
    5In the Configure Field Rules dialog box, select the fields to apply to the rule, based on the chosen field selection criteria. Alternatively, click Parameters to add a parameter so fields can be selected in the mapping task.
    6To rename fields, click the Rename Fields tab and choose to rename fields individually or in bulk.
    If you want to rename all fields, you must rename in bulk. If you want to rename fields in bulk by pattern, you can create a parameter to specify the pattern in the mapping task.
    7To ensure that the field rules run in a logical order, in the Field Rules area, review the order in which the rules display. In the Included Fields and Excluded Fields lists, review the results of the rules. Move field rules to the appropriate location if required.
    8To delete a rule, in the Actions column, select Delete.