Transformations > Data Masking transformation > Random masking

Random masking

Random masking generates random nondeterministic masked data.
The Data Masking transformation returns different values when the same source value occurs in different rows. You can configure masking rules that affect the format of data that the Data Masking transformation returns.
You can mask datetime, numeric, and string values with random masking.
To mask date values with random masking, either configure a range of output dates or choose a variance. When you configure a variance, choose a part of the date to blur. Choose the year, month, day, hour, minute, or second. The Data Masking transformation returns a date that is within the range you configure.
When you mask numeric data, you can configure a range of output values for a column. The Data Masking transformation returns a value between the minimum and maximum values of the range based on field precision. To define the range, configure the minimum and maximum ranges or configure a blurring range based on a variance from the original source value.
Configure random masking to generate random output for string columns. To configure limitations for each character in the output string, configure a mask format. Configure source and target filter characters to define which source characters to mask and the characters to mask them with.