Transformations > Rule Specification transformation > Rule Specification transformation configuration

Rule Specification transformation configuration

When you configure a Rule Specification transformation in a mapping, you first select the rule specification asset that contains the logic to include in the mapping. Next, you configure the incoming fields and the field mappings. Then, you verify the output fields.
To configure the transformation, complete the following tasks:
    1Connect the Rule Specification transformation to a Source transformation or other upstream object.
    2On the Rule Specification tab, select the rule specification that you want to include in the transformation.
    The following image shows the options that you use to select the rule specification:
    The image shows the Rule Specification tab of the transformation. The tab properties include a Select button that you can use to add a rule specification asset to the transformation.
    3On the Incoming Fields tab, configure the incoming fields.
    By default, the transformation inherits all incoming fields from any connected upstream object in the mapping. You can define a field rule to limit or rename the incoming fields.
    4On the Field Mapping tab, configure the field mapping options to connect the data from the incoming fields to the target fields on the rule specification asset.
    The rule specification inputs might already reflect the names of the input fields in the data. If so, you can use the Automap options to connect the fields. For more information about connecting to upstream object fields, see Rule Specification transformation field mappings.
    5Verify the rule specification output fields on the Output Fields tab.
    6You can optionally rename the Rule Specification transformation and add a description on the General tab. You can also update the tracing level for the transformation on the Advanced tab. The default tracing level is Normal.
Note: Consider the following rules and guidelines when you use a parameter to identify the rule specification that the transformation uses:
Note: If you update an asset in Data Quality after you add it to a transformation, you may need to synchronize the asset version in the transformation with the latest version. For more information about data quality asset synchronization, see Synchronizing data quality assets.